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Sandbox / Complete Monster Drafts

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  • Rambo: Last Blood: Victor Martinez is a savage, sadistic pimp alongside his icy older brother Hugo, with whom he seeks to join the much greater Human Trafficking operation of Don Miguel. Kidnapping numerous young girls, the women are beaten, raped and terrorized into the sex trade, kept as slaves until they are used up and disposed of, often addicted to drugs to keep them pliant and dependent. Abducting John Rambo's honorary niece Gabriela Beltran, the brothers spare Rambo so he can suffer in the knowledge of Gabriela's fate, before Victor drugs her with heroin and the two send her to a brothel to be raped and abused, with her eventually dying.
  • The Golden Age: Adolf Hitler and the Ultra-Humanite aim to Take Over the World. During World War II, the Ultra-Humanite experimented on German prisoners to perfect his process to take over bodies, killing all the scientists who helped him, before placing his mind inside superhero Tex Thompson. Becoming an American senator, the Ultra-Humanite places Hitler's brain inside another superhero, Dynaman, and the duo begin plotting to take over America and launch a war on all Communist countries. When exposed at a press conference, Hitler attacks, killing many civilians in his rampage, while ranting he will use his newfound power to conquer the planet with force.
  • "Revenge is the Nuts": Arnie Grunwald is the owner of a home for the blind, a position he uses to gleefully torment his charges for nothing but the God-like thrill he gets from it. Arnie murdered his own blind mother after she passed over him in favor of his goodhearted brother Benny, then had Benny committed to a Bedlam House to face tortuous ECT therapy, keeping him in line with the threat of sending him back. Arnie keeps his patients in line with an attack dog he's starved into a killing frenzy, with one poor patient having had his foot mauled off after he attempted to escape. Arnie hits his lowest when he attempts to blackmail his newest patient Sheila into sexual service with the prospect of escape. When she denies him, Arnie cuts off the food and the heating, hoping to break his patients so they turn Sheila over, gleefully noting that even if Sheila does bend, the prospect of escape is long gone.

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